Dreaming of Costa Rica

It’s true, we can’t travel to Costa Rica right now, but we can sure dream of it. 

While travel restrictions are in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve got to sit still for a bit and place our wanderlust on hold; nonetheless, that doesn’t mean we can’t dream. 

It’s tough, I know, to be dreaming of Costa Rica and unable to visit, but at the same time, it’s these very same restrictions that make us so eager to go. 

A peaceful country with no military and a thoughtful, proactive government that places deep importance on things like sustainability and the wellbeing of its citizenry are just a few of the reasons why so many find Costa Rica attractive. 

Here are five ways you can put that Costa Rica vacation notion right into motion.

Book now.

While it’s true that the airport is closed to foreign visitors until the unforeseeable near future, this pandemic and the restrictions that go with it won’t last forever. 

Now is a better time than ever to book flights. Most airlines have extremely flexible cancelation and change policies right now and flights are cheap cheap cheap.  

Do your research and find the best, most affordable Costa Rica flight you can find and go ahead and book! The great news is you can do so worry-free knowing you can simply change your travel dates if need be. 

Start exploring via good ol’ Google.

I love that the Internet lets us virtually explore just about every place in the world, including Costa Rica. With plenty of time to plan, you can check out the entire country and see which part you find most intriguing. 

If nothing sounds more intriguing to you than a misty mountain cloud forest, Costa Rica’s got you covered! 

Long walks on the beach, fun in the sun, and watersports are your thing? Costa Rica has not one, but two oceans to choose from and hundreds of miles of white, black, gold, and even pink sand beaches. 

Choose your stay.

Small Distinctive Hotels of Costa Rica has so many beautiful properties to choose from, it’s a challenge to pick just one! From right on the beach to deep in the forest, each hotel in this distinctive stable of properties has something special to offer. Spa days, sumptuous meals, and memorable experiences, there’s just no way to go wrong when you book at any one of these select properties. Have a little bit of time to explore the country? Select one from each area you are eager to explore!

Start saving!

With stay at home advisories in place in so many areas around the world, it’s a great time to save up a little cash for the Costa Rica vacation of your dreams. I don’t know about you, but before all this craziness began, my life was a series of “mini-vacations;” weekend hiking or biking trips, date nights, restaurant dining, Sunday brunch, concerts, movies, and more. My partner and I spent a lot of money on entertainment. 

The silver lining in all these pandemic protocols? I’m saving some cash. What better way to spend those savings than on a fantastic vacation adventure to beautiful Costa Rica when safety allows? 

Check your passport.

With so much going on, the last thing on most of our minds is whether or not our passports are up to date. Restrictions are going to lift before we know it (I’m an eternal optimist!); make sure your passport is ready to go when you are. With many government agencies, a bit backed up theses days, things like passport renewals may take a little longer than usual. Check yours today and get the ball rolling to get it renewed if necessary. 

“Dare to dream! ….. What you believe to be possible will always come to pass – to the extent that you deem it possible. It really is as simple as that.”   Anthon St. Maarten

Whether you believe in things like the law of attraction or not, I think there can be little doubt in the truth of the old adage that what you put energy in does come to fruition.

Why not put a bit of energy into the Costa Rica trip of your dreams? After all, you’ve got so little to lose and so many experiences and memories to gain!

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